Portfolio Preperation

With over 10 years of experience, we help students create standout art portfolios for admission to top art and design universities.

Build your portfolio for college

A strong portfolio is crucial for getting accepted into top art and design universities. Let our team of experienced artists help you create a standout portfolio that highlights your skills and enhances your university applications.

Portfolio courses

We offer three portfolio courses, each tailored to enhance your unique artistic journey. Designed with your abilities and achievements in mind, these courses aim to bring out the best in you and help you surpass your own expectations.

Portfolio Training

(Usually G11 & G12)

Students will learn how to complete a creative portfolio with a project-based approach; relying on research, and conceptual and technical development to build a tailor-made portfolio plan that meets the university portfolio requirements. The progress of the portfolio will be visualized throughout the process.

Art and Design Enhancement

(Below G11)

Students will learn about different art forms, materials, software, and cutting-edge developments to make a portfolio for grade 11. Additional guidance would be given to clarify their direction; they will learn how to use various tools, techniques, and software to create their own works of art.

Art and Design Fundamentals

(Usually G11 & G12)

Students will learn about the elements of art and design, as well as basic techniques and materials used in creating art. They will explore different art forms, such as drawing, painting, and sculpture to develop an appreciation for art.

Price List






Portfolio Preparation (Group Class)

$ 55

per hour

3 hrs/ class

Prepare portfolio according to post-secondary institutions entrance requirements

Portfolio Preparation (1-1 Class)

$ 100

per hour


Prepare portfolio according to post-secondary institutions entrance requirements

Portfolio Packaging

$ 2,500

per year


Packaging made art words and upload according to post-secondary institutions entrance requirements

Portfolio Preparation (Package)

$ 13,500

per year


Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging for up to 6 universities

Portfolio Preparation for Canadian Art Schools (Package)

$ 17,000

per year


Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and university application for up to 6 Canadian schools

Portfolio Preparation for US/UK Art Schools (Package)

$ 19,500

per year


Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and university application for up to 6 US/UK schools

Extended Portfolio Preparation (Package)

$ 32,000

for 4 years

(Grades 9 -12)


Year plan Including spring, summer intensive courses

Academic planning for art college

Portfolio prep courses

Portfolio packaging

University application for up to 6 universities

$ 28,000

for 3 years

(Grades 10 -12)


$ 22,000

for 2 years

(Grades 11 -12)

Portfolio Packaging
$ 2,500.00
per year

Packaging made art words and upload according

to post-secondary institutions entrance requirements

Portfolio Preparation (Package)
$ 13,500.00
per year

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging for up to 6 universities

Portfolio Preparation for US/UK Art Schools (Package)
$ 19,500.00
per year

Portfolio prep courses, portfolio packaging, and

university application for up to 6 US/UK schools


$ 32,000.00
for 4 years (Grades 9 -12)  
Extended Portfolio Preparation (Package)
$ 28,000.00
for 3 years (Grades 10 -12)  

Year plan Including spring, summer intensive courses

Academic planning for art college

Portfolio prep courses

Portfolio packaging

University application for up to 6 universities


$ 22,000.00
for 2 years(Grades 11 -12)  

Student works